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The Battle Over Patents

For Political Science Professor Stephen Haber, U.S. innovation is a 'patently' contentious topic

Haber and Lamoreaux describe the origins of the United States’ patent system and how it led to a boom in innovation and unprecedented economic growth beginning in the nineteenth century.

Rob Reich

Political Science Professor Rob Reich encourages students to speak their mind at inaugural Socrates at Sunset event

"The goal of the new event series is to provoke thoughtful conversations around topics of ethics and philosophy[.]"

System error book cover

Professors Rob Reich and Jeremy Weinstein chart a new course for technology, policy

Three Stanford professors want people to press control-alt-delete on how we think about our relationship to Big Tech. In a new book, they seek to empower all of us to create a technological future that supports human flourishing…

Beatriz Magaloni

Professor Beatriz Magaloni Wins the 2021 Heinz I. Eulau Award for Best Article Published in American Political Science Review

In this award-winning article entitled “Killing in the Slums: Social Order, Criminal Governance and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro," Professor Magaloni, Edgar Franco-Vivanco, and Vanessa Melo explore the conditions that allow…

Professors Avidit Acharya and Jens Hainmueller win the 2021 Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology

The Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology is awarded for the best work in political methodology presented at any political science conference during the preceding year.