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Evolution, Cognition and Explaining Institutional Change
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The Munro Lectureship Fund and The Lane Center
Dr. Farrell
Dr. Farrell earned a Ph.D. in Government from Georgetown University in 2000. He also holds a B.A. and M.A. in Politics from University College Dublin. Previously, he served as Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, and was a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute on Common Goods in Bonn, Germany. He has taught courses on the political economy of European integration, the politics of the Internet, and the comparative political economy of Europe at the University of Toronto and Georgetown University.
Dr. Farrell's publications include: "Constructing the International Foundations of E-Commerce: The EU-US Safe Harbor Agreement," in International Organization, 57,2 (2003); "Trust, Distrust, and Power," in Distrust, ed. Russell Hardin (Russell Sage Foundation, forthcoming); and "Trust and Political Economy: Comparing the Effects of Institutions on Inter-Firm Cooperation," in Comparative Political Studies (forthcoming). Dr. Farrell is a member of the American Political Science Association, the International Society for the New Institutional Economics, the International Studies Association, and the European Union Studies Association.