To Promote an Injustice Which Was No Part of Their Intention

Jacob T. Levy is Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of the Department of Political Science, and associated faculty in the Department of Philosophy at McGill University. He is the coordinator of McGill’s Research Group on Constitutional Studies and was the founding director of McGill’s Yan P. Lin Centre for the Study of Freedom and Global Orders in the Ancient and Modern Worlds. He is a Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center, and has been a Distinguished Fellow for the Study of Liberalism and the Free Society of the Institute for Humane Studies and a Templeton Adam Smith Tercentenary Fellow at The University of Glasgow.
He is the author of The Multiculturalism of Fear (OUP 2000) and Rationalism, Pluralism, and Freedom (OUP 2014), and editor or coeditor of Colonialism and Its Legacies; Nomos LV: Federalism and Subsidiarity; Interpreting Modernity: Essays on the Work of Charles Taylor; and the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from Brown University, an M.A. and Ph.D. in Politics from Princeton University, and an LL.M. from the University of Chicago Law School. He serves on the editorial board of The American Political Science Review and The American Journal of Political Science, and has served on those of Publius, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies, and The Journal of Politics, in addition to having served as political theory Field Editor for the latter.
His writing on contemporary questions has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Globe and Mail, Vox, Foreign Policy, Salon, The Australian, Slate (France), The Chronicle of Higher Education, Reason, The Boston Review, and The New Republic online.