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International Relations Track

The International Relations track examines cooperation and violence in the international system. Topics include international security and war, civil war and terrorism, and international organizations.

Political Science Courses

POLISCI 10N: International Organizations and the World Order** 
POLISCI 43Q: Immigration Crisis? Policy Dilemmas in the US and Europe** 
POLISCI 79: Security Issues in the Middle East 
POLISCI 101: Introduction to International Relations 
POLISCI 101Z: Introduction to International Relations 
POLISCI 110C/110X: America and the World Economy 
POLISCI 110D/110Y: War and Peace in American Foreign Policy 
POLISCI 110G: Governing the Global Economy** 
POLISCI 111: The Politics of Climate Change  
POLISCI 113: Understanding Russia: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order 
POLISCI 114D/314D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law 
POLISCI 114S: International Security in a Changing World 
POLISCI 115: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms 
POLISCI 115B: Israel, the Middle East and Nuclear Weapons 
POLISCI 115E: Japan & the World: Innovation, Economic Growth, Globalization, and Int'l Security Challenges** 
POLISCI 116: The International History of Nuclear Weapons** 
POLISCI 116M: Global Futures: History, Statecraft, Systems 
POLISCI 116A: European Security Since World War Two** 
POLISCI 117/317:  Chinese Politics and Society: An Expert-Led Seminar 
POLISCI 118P: U.S. Relations with Iran 
POLISCI 119: Sustainable Societies Lab: Models of Israeli-Arab Cooperation 
POLISCI 136R/336: Introduction to Global Justice 
POLISCI 142: The Eurasian World From Plato to NATO: History, Politics, and Culture 
POLISCI 143C: The Politics of Internet Abuse 
POLISCI 147: Comparative Democratic Development 
POLISCI 149S: Islam, Iran, and the West 
POLISCI 210A: Special Topics: Solving Global Challenges** 
POLISCI 211A: Special Topics: Humanizing War** 
POLISCI 211B: International Cooperation and Institutions** 
POLISCI 211N/311N: Nuclear Politics 
POLISCI 212A: Special Topics: Egypt: Politics, Terror and Society: From Vision to Reality** 
POLISCI 213A: Russia and the West** 
POLISCI 213E: Introduction to European Studies 
POLISCI 214: Israel: Society, Politics, and Policy 
POLISCI 214R/314R: Challenege and Dilemmas in American Foreign Policy 
POLISCI 215A: Special Topics: State-Society Relations in the Contemporary Arab World-Key Concepts and Debates** 
POLISCI 217A: American Foreign Policy 
POLISCI 217: The World and America 
POLISCI 218T: The Politics of Insurgency, Terrorism and Civil War 
POLISCI 235: Chinese Political Thought: 1895-2021 
POLISCI 235M: Cold War Political Theory: From the Center to the Peripheries 
POLISCI 237: Varieties of Conservatism in America 
POLISCI 242/342: Foreign Policy Decision Making in Comparative Perspective 
POLISCI 244C: Wealth of Nations 
POLISCI 248D: China in the Global Economy 
POLISCI 312: A New Cold War? Great Power Relations in the 21st Century 
**Course no longer offered 

Pre-Approved Courses

Course NumberCourse Name
AFRICAST 111/211
Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa
AFRICAST 112/212
AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa
ANTHRO 337The Politics of Humanitarianism
ECON 106/206
(EARTHSYS 106/206, ESS 106/206)
World Food Economy
History of the International System
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa
HISTORY 106BGlobal Human Geography: Europe and Americas
Presidents and Foreign Policy in Modern History
HISTORY 279/379Latin American Development: Economy and Society, 1800-2014
HISTORY 288/388
(JEWISHST 288/388)
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
INTLPOL 217The Future of Global Cooperation
INTLPOL 219Intelligence and National Security
INTLPOL 244U.S. Policy toward Northeast Asia
INTLPOL 246China's Foreign Policies: Objectives, Instruments, and Impacts
Transitional Justice, Human Rights, and International Criminal Tribunals
INTNLREL 103F (HISTORY 3F/103F)The Changing Face of War: Introduction to Military History
INTNLREL 123Future of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities
INTNLREL 140AInternational Law and International Relations
The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War
(AFRICAST 142/242)
Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice
INTNLREL 182The Great War
MS&E 93QNuclear Weapons, Energy, Proliferation, and Terrorism
MS&E 193/293
(INTLPOL 256, GEOSCI 167/267)
Technology and National Security
OSPBER 77"Ich bin ein Berliner": Lessons of Berlin for International Politics
OSPBER 82Globalization and Germany
OSPBER 126XA People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU
OSPCPTWN 10Climate Change and Political Violence
OSPCPTWN 31Political Economy of Foreign Aid**
OSPFLOR 64Colonial Heritage, Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Migrations, Multiculturalism
OSPFLOR 65Exclusion/Inclusion Processes of Migrants in Italian Society
OSPPARIS 122XEurope and its Challenges Today
OSPSANTG 129XLatin America in the International System**
SIW 119U. S. and Europe: Cooperation or Competition
SOC 111/211
State and Society in Korea
SOC 117A/217AChina Under Mao
THINK 19Rules of War
 **Course no longer offered