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Justice and Law Track

The Justice and Law track examines the ethical issues that underpin the relationship between citizens and government as well as legal institutions and policies that arise as a result of governance.

Political Science Courses

POLISCI 29N: Mixed-Race Politics and Culture**
POLISCI 31N: Political Freedom: Rights, Justice, and Democracy in the Western Tradition
POLISCI 31Q: Justice and Cities
POLISCI 102: Introduction to American Politics and Policy: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (formerly Politics and Public Policy)
POLISCI 103/336S: Justice
POLISCI 114D/314D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
POLISCI 122: Introduction to American Law**
POLISCI 125P: The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press
POLISCI 126: Between Malcom X and Martin Luther King, JR.: Race, Religion and the Politics of Freedom
POLISCI 127A: Finance and Society for non-MBAs
POLISCI 128F/128S: The Constitution: A Brief History**
POLISCI 130: 20th Century Political Theory: Liberalism and its Critics
POLISCI 131L: Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Marx to Mill
POLISCI 132A: The Ethics of Elections
POLISCI 133: Ethics and Politics of Public Service
POLISCI 133Z: Ethics and Politics in Public Service
POLISCI 134: Ethics for Activists
POLISCI 134E/338: Universal Basic Income: the philosophy behind the proposal
POLISCI 134L: Introduction to Environmental Ethics
POLISCI 134P: Contemporary Moral Problems
POLISCI 135: Citizenship
POLISCI 135E/235E: Philosophy of Public Policy
POLISCI 136R/336: Introduction to Global Justice
POLISCI 137: Philosophy of Law: Protest, Punishment, and Racial Justice
POLISCI 137A/337A: Political Philosophy: The Social Contract Tradition
POLISCI 138E: Egalitarianism &  Anti Egalitarianism*
POLISCI 182: (formerly POLISCI 181) Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change
POLISCI 211A: Special Topics: Humanizing War**
POLISCI 221A: American Political Development, 1865-present**
POLISCI 222S: Topics in Constitutional History**
POLISCI 223: Gender & U.S. Politics
POLISCI 225L/325L: Law and the New Political Economy
POLISCI 226A: The Changing Face of America
POLISCI 228C: Law and Politics of Bureaucracy
POLISCI 228R: Strangers, Foreigners, and Politics of Difference
POLISCI 230: Political Theology 
POLISCI 230A/330A: Classical Seminar: Origins of Political Thought
POLISCI 231/331: High-Stakes Politics: Case Studies in Political Philosophy, Institutions, and Interests
POLISCI 231A: Democracy Ancient and Modern: From Politics to Political Theory
POLISCI 232: The Science and Politics of Apocalypse 
POLISCI 232T/332T: The Dialogue of Democracy
POLISCI 233: Justice and Cities
POLISCI 234: Democratic Theory
POLISCI 234N: The Concept of Society from Marx to Zuckerberg
POLISCI 234S: The Political Theory of Progress Reconsidered
POLISCI 234P/334P: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics
POLISCI 235: Chinese Political Thought: 1895-2021
POLISCI 235A/335A: From Cold War to New Cold War: Politics and Political Theory in Contemporary China
POLISCI 235B/335B: Political Memory and Democratic Citizenship
POLISCI 235C/335C: Misinformation and Democracy: Past and Present**
POLISCI 235M: Cold War Political Theory: From the Center to the Peripheries
POLISCI 235N: Political Thought in Modern Asia
POLISCI 236/236S: Ethical and Effective Philanthropy for Sustainable Development
POLISCI 237: Varieties of Conservatism in America
POLISCI 237R/337R: Apocalyptic Thinking
POLISCI 238R: The Greeks and the Rational: Deliberation, Strategy, and Choice in Ancient Greek Political Thought
POLISCI 327C: Law of Democracy
POLISCI 333M: Research and Methods in Political Theory
POLISCI 338B: Unequal Relationships
POLISCI 432R: Selections in Modern Political Thought**
**Course no longer offered

Pre-Approved Courses

course numbercourse name
COMM 130NThe Idea of a Free Press**
CSRE 220Public Policy Institute
History of School Reform: Origins, Policies, Outcomes, and Explanations
HISTORY 152/352BHistory of American Law
(REES 304G)
War and Society**
HISTORY 252/352Originalism and the American Constitution: History and Interpretation**
Science, Innovation and the Law
Transitional Justice, Human Rights, and International Criminal Tribunals
INTNLREL 140AInternational Law and International Relations
LAW 2519Water Law
OSPCPTWN 45Transitional Justice and Transformation Debates in South Africa
OSPFLOR 12Constituting a Republic: Machiavelli, Madison, and Modern Issues**
OSPFLOR 43Machiavelli**
OSPFLOR 65Exclusion/Inclusion Processes of Migrants in Italian Society
OSPOXFRD 18Making Public Policy: An Introduction to Political Philosophy, Politics, and Economics**
OSPOXFRD 24British and American Constitutional Systems in Comparative Perspective**
OSPSANTG 20Comparative Law & Society: Conflicts in the Structuring of Democratic Polities across Latin America
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 175W/275W
Law and Philosophy
PHIL 179W/279W
Du Bois and Democracy
PUBLPOL 106/206
(ECON 154)
Law and Economics
PUBLPOL 132/232The Politics of Policy Making



Women of the Movement
SIW 105Education Policy
SIW 106Criminal Justice Policy
SIW 107Civil Rights Law
SOC 136/236Sociology of Law
THINK 19Rules of War
THINK 42Thinking Through Africa: Perspectives on Health, Wealth, and Well-Being
THINK 47Inventing Government: Ancient and Modern
(CSRE 149A, SOC 149/249)
The Urban Underclass
 **Course no longer offered