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Political Economy and Development Track

The Political Economy and Development track studies how the interplay between the economic system, politics, and institutions allocates resources and generates incentives. Topics include markets, poverty, welfare, inequality, taxation, regimes, transitions, growth, ethnicity, religion, and culture.

For 2022-23 courses offered for this track, please navigate to the Current Courses page.


Political Science Courses

POLISCI 25N: The US Congress in Historical and Comparative Perspective
POLISCI 31Q: Justice and Cities
POLISCI 34Q: Nationalism
POLISCI 43Q: Immigration Crisis? Policy Dilemmas in the US and Europe**
POLISCI 46N: Contemporary African Politics
POLISCI 101: Introduction to International Relations
POLISCI 101Z: Introduction to International Relations 
POLISCI 102: Introduction to American Politics and Policy: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (formerly Politics and Public Policy)
POLISCI 103/336S: Justice
POLISCI 104: Introduction to Comparative Politics**
POLISCI 110C/110X: America and the World Economy
POLISCI 110G: Governing the Global Economy**
POLISCI 114D/314D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
POLISCI 115E: Japan & the World: Innovation, Economic Growth, Globalization, and Int'l Security Challenges**
POLISCI 116: The International History of Nuclear Weapons**
POLISCI 117/317:  Chinese Politics and Society: An Expert-Led Seminar
POLISCI 118P: U.S. Relations with Iran
POLISCI 120B: Campaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections
POLISCI 121: Political Power in American Cities**
POLISCI 121L: Racial-Ethnic Politics in US
POLISCI 122: Introduction to American Law**
POLISCI 124L/324L: The Psychology of Communication About Politics in America
POLISCI 125M: Latino Social Movements**
POLISCI 125S: Chicano/Latino Politics
POLISCI 127: Controversies in American Public Policy
POLISCI 127A: Finance and Society for non-MBAs
POLISCI 137A/337A: Political Philosophy: The Social Contract Tradition
POLISCI 141: Political Economy of Development
POLISCI 141A: Immigration and Multiculturalism
POLISCI 142: The Eurasian World From Plato to NATO: History, Politics, and Culture
POLISCI 143S: Comparative Corruption**
POLISCI 147: Comparative Democratic Development
POLISCI 147B: Gender, Identity, and Politics
POLISCI 148/348: Chinese Politics
POLISCI 149S: Islam, Iran, and the West
POLISCI 149T: Middle Eastern Politics
POLISCI 153/354: Thinking Strategically
POLISCI 153Z: Strategy: Introduction to Game Theory
POLISCI 210A: Special Topics: Solving Global Challenges**
POLISCI 213E: Introduction to European Studies
POLISCI 214: Israel: Society, Politics, and Policy
POLISCI 220: Urban Policy Research Lab
POLISCI 220C/320C: The Politics of the Administrative State
POLISCI 220R/320R: The Presidency
POLISCI 221A: American Political Development, 1865-present**
POLISCI 222P: Creating American Republic**
POLISCI 223: Gender & U.S. Politics
POLISCI 225L/325L: Law and the New Political Economy
POLISCI 226: Superpower California: The Indispensable State
POLISCI 230: Political Theology 
POLISCI 231/331: High-Stakes Politics: Case Studies in Political Philosophy, Institutions, and Interests
POLISCI 232: The Science and Politics of Apocalypse
POLISCI 232T/332T: The Dialogue of Democracy
POLISCI 234P/334P: Deliberative Democracy and its Critics
POLISCI 236/236S: Ethical and Effective Philanthropy for Sustainable Development
POLISCI 238R: Ancient Greek Rationality, Public and Private
POLISCI 241: The Political Economy of China: Policy and Development from Antiquity to Revolution
POLISCI 241A: Political Economy of Development
POLISCI 241B: Special Topics: Comparative Political Economy (Latin America)**
POLISCI 241S: Spatial Approaches to Social Science
POLISCI 241T: Political Economy of Gender
POLISCI 242G/342G: Political Mobilization and Democratic Breakthroughs
POLISCI 243: Political Economy of Latin America
POLISCI 244A: Authoritarian Politics
POLISCI 244C: Wealth of Nations
POLISCI 244D: Societal Collapse
POLISCI 244U/344U: Political Culture
POLISCI 245C: The Logics of Violence: Rebels, Criminal Groups and the State
POLISCI 245R: Politics of Modern Iran
POLISCI 246A/446A: Paths to the Modern World: The West in Comparative Perspective
POLISCI 246P/346P: The Dynamics of Change in Africa**
POLISCI 247A/347A: Games Developing Nations Play
POLISCI 247G: Governance and Poverty
POLISCI 248D/348D: China in the Global Economy
POLISCI 248S/348S: Latin American Politics
POLISCI 311E: Political Economy I**
POLISCI 312: A New Cold War? Great Power Relations in the 21st Century
POLISCI 327C: Law of Democracy
POLISCI 344: Politics and Geography
**Course no longer offered

Pre-Approved Courses

Course NumberCourse Name
AFRICAST 111/211
Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa
AFRICAST 112/212
AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa
ANTHRO 337The Politics of Humanitarianism
Human Rights in Comparative and Historical Perspective
COMM 157/257/357Information Control in Authoritarian Regimes
ECON 1Principles of Economics
ECON 50Economic Analysis I
ECON 51Economic Analysis II
ECON 52Economic Analysis III
ECON 102AIntroduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists
ECON 102BApplied Econometrics
ECON 106/206
(EARTHSYS 106/206, ESS 106/206)
World Food Economy
ECON 113
Economics of Innovation**
ECON 116
American Economic History**
ECON 155Environmental Economics and Policy
EDUC 197
(FEMGEN 297, SOC 134)
Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives
HISTORY 70/170BCulture, Politics, and Society in Latin America**
HISTORY 87/187The Islamic Republics: Politics and Society in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa
HISTORY 106BGlobal Human Geography: Europe and Americas
HISTORY 181BFormation of the Contemporary Middle East**
HUMBIO 129SGlobal Public Health
INTLPOL 244U.S. Policy toward Northeast Asia
INTLPOL 246China's Foreign Policies: Objectives, Instruments, and Impacts
INTNLREL 123Future of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities
The U.S., U.N. Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian War
(AFRICAST 142/242)
Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice
MS&E 180Organizations: Theory and Management
OSPBER 79The Political Economy of Germany in Europe: an Historical-Comparative Perspective
OSPBER 115XThe German Economy: Past and Present**
OSPBER 126XA People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU
OSPCPTWN 10Climate Change and Political Violence
OSPCPTWN 31Political Economy of Foreign Aid**
OSPCPTWN 69Comparatively Assessing South Africa's Transition to Democracy: Past, Present and Future**
OSPCPTWN 76(South) Africa Rising: Implications for Conflict, Democracy, and Human Rights**
OSPFLOR 64Colonial Heritage, Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Migrations, Multiculturalism
OSPFLOR 78The Impossible Experiment: Politics and Policies of the New European Union
OSPISTAN 72Religion, Secularism and Democracy in the World**
OSPOXFRD 18Making Public Policy: An Introduction to Political Philosophy, Politics, and Economics**
OSPOXFRD 36Creating English Democracy
OSPPARIS 32French History and Politics: Understanding the Present through the Past
OSPSANTG 116XModernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century
PUBLPOL 106/206
(ECON 154)
Law and Economics
SIW 103Economic Growth & Development Patterns, Policies, and Prospects
SOC 111/211
State and Society in Korea
SOC 117A/217AChina Under Mao
SOC 135/235Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States
SOC 145/245
(CSRE 145)
Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA
THINK 42Thinking Through Africa: Perspectives on Health, Wealth, and Well-Being
 **Course no longer offered