Different Types of Parental Rights Different Moral Foundations

Event Sponsor
The Munro Lectureship Fund and The Lane Center

Sarah Hannan



Both parents and children have strong interests associated with the childrearing process.  Children have an interest in being raised in a particular manner, while parents have an interest in parenting in a particular manner.  Whose interests should serve as the foundation for parental rights?  Although parents have an interest in rearing their children as they see fit, no rights follow from that interest.  Parental interests can generate rights to become a parent, but they do not determine the scope and content of the control rights that attach to this role.  The rights that characterise the parental role are grounded solely on the interests of children.


Sarah Hannan received her D.Phil. in Political Theory from Oxford. Her dissertation was entitled "Balancing Parental Authority and Children's Rights: A Role-Based Solution."
While at Stanford, Sarah is looking forward to joining the project examining equality of opportunity in education. She will also develop sections of her thesis for publication and work on issues surrounding the purported right to procreate.